You searched for: “most problematic
problematic (adjective), more problematic, most problematic
1. A reference to the doubtful, uncertain, or questionable nature of a condition or a situation: Economic claims for future investments are often problematic presentations that do not turn out to be accurate.
2. Pertaining to a problem; difficult to solve: A repair of Karen's car proved more problematic than first expected.
3. Not settled; unresolved or dubious: Jonathan has a problematic future as a computer expert.
4. Etymology: from Greek problematikos and from Latin problematicus, "relating to a problem."
Descriptive of something that is doubtful or questionable.
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This entry is located in the following units: -atic (page 1) -blem + (page 1) pro-, por-, pur- (page 3) problem- (page 1)